
Supervisor Advisory services (SV Operations)


Technical guidance is provided by Supervisor (CMR: Experienced, Highly specialized engineers).
WtE Plant engineering professionals provide practical support services such as planning, ordering, design and construction supervisior of construction work, and Business operation.
Professional Supervisors produce "Hard side" and "Soft side" entirely.


Position Details

Technical support by supervisors (CM Business)/Recommended by the Ministry of the Environment

-廃棄物分野・環境分野の総合コンサルタント (JTS業務内容)-
Comprehensive consultancy in the Waste and Environmental fields (JTS Business)

Advanced technical guidance services such as waste management, construction of WtE, and construction of recycling facilities.

Consulting services such as the development of Waste to Energy (WtE) in foreign countries and Developing countries and support for business operations.

Research, Technology development, Surveys research, etc.

Clerical support for application for permission to install an industrial waste disposal facility.

Clerical support for applications for industrial waste disposal business licenses.

Lecturers for training projects, holding lectures, seminars, etc., / Preparation of environmental education leaflets.

Support for ordering work to construct waste disposal plants (Long-term comprehensive operation and management, DBO, etc.), Design and Construction supervision, and Support for ordering work for dismantling facilities.

Training to improve administrative skills (Including training and guidance for managers).

Investigation of Environmental impact assessment reports, Technical guidance, and Supervision (examination) of survey reports.

Guidance on ash processing technology through "High-performance and liquid chelate" such as fly ash, Sales of products, and drastic cost reductions.

Technical guidance for treatment of Radioactive polluted water.

Planning of "Small-sized, high-performance Wind Power Generators" and "High-efficiency, Hybrid Power Generators," and support services for construction order processing, sales (sole distributor), and maintenance and management.



Profiles of Dr. ISHIKAWA Yoshiaki  

国際スーパーコンサルタント(ISC)/JES認定資格 International Super Consulting (ISC)/JES Certification

工学博士・名誉工学博士・元)大学教授  石川 禎昭

Doctor of Engineering / Honorary Doctor of Engineering  / Former) Professor ISHIKAWA Yoshiaki

・技術士(衛生工学部門)Professional Engineer (Environmental Engineering : WtE Engineer Sector)

・ボイラ・タービン主任技術者(第2種)Chief engineer of boiler and turbine (Type 2)

Currently) Honorary Doctorof Engineering / National EARIST (Elist) University/Philippine National University

Former) NCU (Changwon) University/Professor of International Exchange Cooperation/Korean and National Universitie

①現) JTS/日本廃棄物総合技術支援機構㈱ 代表取締役
Currently) President, JTS/ Japan Technical Support Organization for Waste Management Co., Ltd.

②元) パシフィックコンサルタンツ㈱・プロジェクト事業本部 技術顧問
Former) Technology Advisor, Project Division, Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.

③元) 東京都庁・産業労働局 参事(部長職)  
Former) Director for Division of Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs of Tokyo Metropolitan Government,

④元) 東京都庁・交通局・建設担当課長(東京都交通局・地下鉄大江戸線の建設)
Former) Director of Construction Section of Bureau of Transportation of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, (Construction of TMG Transportation Bureau and Subway Oedo Line)

Former) Director of Construction Section of Bureau of Public Cleaning of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, (Construction, operation and management of waste power generation plants (WTE))

⑥元) 東京都庁・港湾局・建設担当副参事(東京臨海副都心(お台場)の開発整備)
Former) Director for Construction Section of Bureau of Port and Harbor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government, (Urban Development of the Tokyo Waterfront Sub-city Center (Odaiba))

※一社) 廃棄物資源循環学会:「有功賞」受賞:廃棄物処理技術開発、国際協力、著作活動で受賞
Corporatio) Waste Resource Recycling Society: Awarded for "Achievement Award": Awarded for development of waste treatment technology, international cooperation, and copyright activities

※一社)日本鉄道車両機械技術協会:「優秀賞」受賞:NEW SEAS:地下鉄温熱解析ソフト開発・実使用
Corporatio) Japan Railcar Machinery Engineering Association: Awarded the Excellence Award : NEW SEAS: Developed subway heat analysis software

Tokyo Governor: Awarded the "Letter of Appreciation" for his great achievement in the development of metropolitan government as an official of the TMG.



 Professional Engineer (Environmental Engineering : WtE Engineer Sector)
・工学博士 / Ph.D. Engineering
  Honorary  Doctor of  Engineering
  (National EARIST University/Philippine National University)
 Chief Boiler and Turbine Engineer (Type 2) /
  Legal Qualifiers of Nuclear and Thermal Power Plants
・一級土木施工管理技士 / First class civil engineering work managing technician
 Air-Related Class- 1 Pollution Control Technical Manager (National qualification)
 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Pollution Control Manager (Air Level 1)
・職業訓練指導員(機械) / Vocational training instructor (Machine)
・危険物取扱者(乙種4類) / Hazardous materials engineers (Class Z, Class 4)  
・エネルギー管理員 / Energy Managers
・防火管理者(甲種) / Fire Prevention Manager (Class A)
 High School Teacher's License (Industry Grade -1) (Industry Grade- 2)
・高等学校教員免許(生物2級) / High School Teacher's License (Biology Grade 2)  
  Environmental Counselor (Business Division) Ministry of the Environment
 Environmental Counselor (Citizens Division) Ministry of the Environment


JTS is staffed by "Highly specialized engineers" with practical experience in the waste field at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Public Cleaning, Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., EX Research Institute co., Ltd., and Institute of General Technology of Waste Disposal, JAPAN Co., Ltd.


Company Profile

  会社名  日本廃棄物総合技術支援機構 株式会社
JTS/Japan Technical Support Organization for Waste Management Co., Ltd.
石川 禎昭 ISHIKAWA Yoshiaki
桒原 淳子 KUWAHARA Atsuko  
Head Office
〒101-0025  東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1-8-4-604
Postal code 101-0025
1-8-4-604, Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
電話  03-3526-2267   FAX  03-3526-2268
TEL : +81-3-3526-2267 / FAX: +81-3-3526-2268
Moriya Office
〒300-2337  茨城県つくばみらい市谷井田1230-29
Postal code 300-2337
1230-29,Yaita, Tsukubamirai-shi, Ibaraki-ken, JAPAN
Consulting services in the waste and environmental fields
内容は「業務内容 Position Details」を参照ください。
資格内容は「法的資格  Qualified」を参照ください。
